Sunday, November 30, 2008
Coffee + exam stress + lack of sleep = Caffeine induced high.
My Top 5 Most Favorite Food- 1. Dragonfruit ^^ , 2. Unagi 3. Rotiboy 4. Ikan Pari 5. Bayam
10 Things I Love Doing- 1. Reading newspapers 2. walking aimlessly in ou 3. walking in the park 4. Watching horror movies in the front-test row ^^ 5. eating dragonfruit 6.cycling 7. surfing the net (innocent stuff only ^.^) 8. watching the sunrise 9. laughing at stupid jokes 10. eating unagi (All not in order)
Things I Love Doing When I'm Emo- 1. Listen to emo music ( A MUST ) 2. pulling an emo face
(this comes very naturally..-.-) 3. Going for long walks 4. Not talking 5. Being alone
Things I Love Doing When I'm Happy- Umm.. Basically i laugh and make lame jokes..basically.
5 Things I Wish To Happen- 1. I win a BMW 5 series.. 2. I become a super-nerd. 3. Im selected for ANOTHER round of NS ^^ 4. Im given a 5.30pm appointment with GOD to ask the why's , where's, whos and the what's. 5. I get better questions when i get tagged next..
My Top 5 Addicted Songs- Jonas Brothers/ Love Bug, HSM 3/ Can i have this dance , Jesse Mcartney/ Its Over , Shontelle/ T-shirt , .
5 Persons I Wish To Tag- Hahaha. Nah.. Malaslah.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
This is so because I wake up everyday with nothing on my to-do list, nothing to look forward to and nothing to accomplish. Sigh..its downright boredom with just the internet and OU for company. Seriously, if this keeps up, my expression will be frozen permanently into an old lady's, sitting at RUMAH ORANG TUA watching spongebob day after day..complete with the weak salivary gland action and glazed eyes look...just more frightening.
This will be the method i use to smile when my facial muscles fail to comply in 50 years. ~CHEEEESE!!~
And being braindead as such doesnt bode well for me when taking my L driving lessons. In fact, its a bloody disaster and im positive my instructor has envisioned me as an incompetent bumbling buffoon with the driving capabilities of a one legged-ostrich. In fact, my ostrich-like ability to commandeer a vehicle nearly killed us both on the highway. I would like to thank my two left feet and double-fingered hands for that pleasurable experience. No doubt will i cringe in the memory of its horror for many a year to come.
Also, my senile state of mind has made me unaware of the oncoming prom. Another nightmare i cannot fathom experiencing due to my current hermit-like tendencies. I believe our President, being away in camp, is unable to thoroughly organize the event and will have to complete said task in..say..a week? No mean feat for any but i am positive things will turn out fine. The majority of our 6th Form Society commitee members are responsible if not dedicated (too strong a word). Im confident they will come through despite any misgivings they may have about the decisions made and OR the actions taken.(Me included. You dont always smile at the boss. ^^ Unless you're a sad,spineless, kiss-a** boot licker who grew an extra leg just to tripod him/her.)
And, being a member of that society, i would like to say my performance leaves a lot to be desired..sigh..just me being me.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
After arriving at the clinic at exactly 4.20pm, i was ushered onto the dentists chair where he proceeded to pry my jaw apart before injecting anaesthetic into my affected area.
After my whole left-lower face went numb, he began drilling...and drilling...and drilling(the drills came in different sizes and looked like construction-work power tools..)and all while he drilled he had to continue administering continuous jabs of painkiller into my face....why? Because as he drilled deeper, my nerves became exposed allowing me to experience additional uncomprehensible, PAIN.. After 40 mins of drilling,prying,and yanking, my tooth came out in 2 fragments which i requested to keep.
The post-surgery pain last night was god...even before the anaesthetic,( which made me unable to feel my whole left face and made me feel like TWO-face from DARK NIGHT), wore out, the throbbing pain came on FULL-BLAST.. In short..i felt like someone was continuously digging into my face with an ice-pick.
Miraculously, i managed to pass out while trying to distract myself with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ..and all my sms's went unanswered. And sumone got pissed at me because of that..and then my phone rang..and aik sha was saying..''Im outside with your orange juice..''
I was groggy and half-dead to hell with the pain which came back as soon as regained consciousness so i went downstairs with the grace and mobility of the ressurected dead and collected my drink..which i drank gratefully as it numbed the pain slightly but i spilled it overnight..because i kicked it..because i left it at my bedside..and i think i can now open an ANTZ ZOO attraction in my room.
God...i hate my life face looks like i got slapped by a wrestler suffering from elephantiasis ..and it hurts just as bad..
So far i've managed to consume an egg tart which i ate just so i could take my painkillers and antibiotics. And some blueberry yogurt.
And i can barely walk because the slightest movement sends my cheek into b***h mode...which in turn sends ME into b***h mode...
iN SHORT, my mood has been ghastly the whole day. Cranky and irritable when i answer people.
Whatever. When life gives you SUCK them.