Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Anyway, i currently am in a frame of no-life. Aka i wake up , eat, shit , work and repeat said cycle the next day and the day after that. Its robotic, completely mind numbing, as well as disturbing. i Mean..This is how it feels like, just...working. This is what im resigning my life to for the next 40 years or so as a working adult...god..
Thats what we, regardless of whether you are poor , middle class and or hail from the upper crust , are destined for ultimately in life...''WORK''(though the richies have it easier in the aspects of funding their lives). We will wake up everyday to eat, work, take a bath, work, breathe, work, work and work some more all the while looking forward to our days off to hopefully squeeze a laugh in to detonate stress bombs collected and hoarded in the gallons to prepare ourselves for the rest of the week for more... WORK .
So work work and work we will all while trying to maintain what little grasp of sanity we call ours in this sturctured little hell hole society and the system has designed to enable some form of orderliness in ORDER for order to be had. I bet that last sentence sounded grammatically negative. I havent a clue.
But it is true..the fact that life as you know it ends on technical note after you complete all forms of schooling and begin working. The pessimists or realists will agree but i daresay the optimists will vehemently insist that your attitude towards life determines the way you live it, may it be full of self induced misery or bubbling day after day of happiness.
Aka it depends on the individual to make the most out of what they have and to love and cherish everyday of life working or not and blah blah blah etc etc..when life gives you lemons you make guiness stout or whatever lame-ass motivational lines you can come up with to enable people who cant grasp the concept to comprehend the sentence.
However, regardless of what i think and feel, we WILL be working. ALL of us. It is one of the inevitable things in life that happen may it be with or without a reason..(apart from death) Heck, even being an Ah Long or pasar malam beggar is a proffession as long as our coffers are being filled and our gastric juices dont have our stomachs endodermal linings for breakfast lunch and dinner. All in all, you only live once, and to live life the way it is ...the way EVERYONE says its meant to be a complete waste.
(I know this post is brimming with paradoxes but i dont have the time to retype it because....well....i hafto go work now...)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Coffee + exam stress + lack of sleep = Caffeine induced high.
My Top 5 Most Favorite Food- 1. Dragonfruit ^^ , 2. Unagi 3. Rotiboy 4. Ikan Pari 5. Bayam
10 Things I Love Doing- 1. Reading newspapers 2. walking aimlessly in ou 3. walking in the park 4. Watching horror movies in the front-test row ^^ 5. eating dragonfruit 6.cycling 7. surfing the net (innocent stuff only ^.^) 8. watching the sunrise 9. laughing at stupid jokes 10. eating unagi (All not in order)
Things I Love Doing When I'm Emo- 1. Listen to emo music ( A MUST ) 2. pulling an emo face
(this comes very naturally..-.-) 3. Going for long walks 4. Not talking 5. Being alone
Things I Love Doing When I'm Happy- Umm.. Basically i laugh and make lame jokes..basically.
5 Things I Wish To Happen- 1. I win a BMW 5 series.. 2. I become a super-nerd. 3. Im selected for ANOTHER round of NS ^^ 4. Im given a 5.30pm appointment with GOD to ask the why's , where's, whos and the what's. 5. I get better questions when i get tagged next..
My Top 5 Addicted Songs- Jonas Brothers/ Love Bug, HSM 3/ Can i have this dance , Jesse Mcartney/ Its Over , Shontelle/ T-shirt , .
5 Persons I Wish To Tag- Hahaha. Nah.. Malaslah.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
This is so because I wake up everyday with nothing on my to-do list, nothing to look forward to and nothing to accomplish. Sigh..its downright boredom with just the internet and OU for company. Seriously, if this keeps up, my expression will be frozen permanently into an old lady's, sitting at RUMAH ORANG TUA watching spongebob day after day..complete with the weak salivary gland action and glazed eyes look...just more frightening.
This will be the method i use to smile when my facial muscles fail to comply in 50 years. ~CHEEEESE!!~
And being braindead as such doesnt bode well for me when taking my L driving lessons. In fact, its a bloody disaster and im positive my instructor has envisioned me as an incompetent bumbling buffoon with the driving capabilities of a one legged-ostrich. In fact, my ostrich-like ability to commandeer a vehicle nearly killed us both on the highway. I would like to thank my two left feet and double-fingered hands for that pleasurable experience. No doubt will i cringe in the memory of its horror for many a year to come.
Also, my senile state of mind has made me unaware of the oncoming prom. Another nightmare i cannot fathom experiencing due to my current hermit-like tendencies. I believe our President, being away in camp, is unable to thoroughly organize the event and will have to complete said task in..say..a week? No mean feat for any but i am positive things will turn out fine. The majority of our 6th Form Society commitee members are responsible if not dedicated (too strong a word). Im confident they will come through despite any misgivings they may have about the decisions made and OR the actions taken.(Me included. You dont always smile at the boss. ^^ Unless you're a sad,spineless, kiss-a** boot licker who grew an extra leg just to tripod him/her.)
And, being a member of that society, i would like to say my performance leaves a lot to be desired..sigh..just me being me.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
After arriving at the clinic at exactly 4.20pm, i was ushered onto the dentists chair where he proceeded to pry my jaw apart before injecting anaesthetic into my affected area.
After my whole left-lower face went numb, he began drilling...and drilling...and drilling(the drills came in different sizes and looked like construction-work power tools..)and all while he drilled he had to continue administering continuous jabs of painkiller into my face....why? Because as he drilled deeper, my nerves became exposed allowing me to experience additional uncomprehensible, PAIN.. After 40 mins of drilling,prying,and yanking, my tooth came out in 2 fragments which i requested to keep.
The post-surgery pain last night was god...even before the anaesthetic,( which made me unable to feel my whole left face and made me feel like TWO-face from DARK NIGHT), wore out, the throbbing pain came on FULL-BLAST.. In short..i felt like someone was continuously digging into my face with an ice-pick.
Miraculously, i managed to pass out while trying to distract myself with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ..and all my sms's went unanswered. And sumone got pissed at me because of that..and then my phone rang..and aik sha was saying..''Im outside with your orange juice..''
I was groggy and half-dead to hell with the pain which came back as soon as regained consciousness so i went downstairs with the grace and mobility of the ressurected dead and collected my drink..which i drank gratefully as it numbed the pain slightly but i spilled it overnight..because i kicked it..because i left it at my bedside..and i think i can now open an ANTZ ZOO attraction in my room.
God...i hate my life face looks like i got slapped by a wrestler suffering from elephantiasis ..and it hurts just as bad..
So far i've managed to consume an egg tart which i ate just so i could take my painkillers and antibiotics. And some blueberry yogurt.
And i can barely walk because the slightest movement sends my cheek into b***h mode...which in turn sends ME into b***h mode...
iN SHORT, my mood has been ghastly the whole day. Cranky and irritable when i answer people.
Whatever. When life gives you SUCK them.
Monday, October 27, 2008
ouch ouCH oUCH OUCH!!!!
Now the food im eating are all the same as what your toothless grandma(s) would eat.
( if she's still alive..) Plus im chewing all crunchy food (as if i would eat porridge everyday..) on my right side.
What if i overuse my right-side teeth too much until they wear out and become blunt? Then my jaw would close one-down.
And i will forever look like im smilling macam orang cacat..(no offence) this>> :-/
Eeyerr...if this is to happen i'd rather be.. (according to Ms. Tong) .. a jawless lamprey fish.
FYI..the 'mouth' is the round little bump protruding from under his/her/its face>=) know that four-lettered word? No no.... not the one the students LOVE to use.
Its the one they HATE to hear/see/or have anything to do with.
EXAM(s) ..start this Friday for all lower 6's.
Maths and Muet writing >>(to Pn Manjeet its SUDOKU) to be exact.
Dear God..why did u create me with a brain that is unable.. in any solve even the simplest of math equations?? Why God...why...
My karma must be must be 100dm3 per unit volume of me. giving up on maths...a.k.a. doing teacher a favour as my paper will be the easiest/least time-consuming to mark!
In just 1 circular flick of the wrist, Ms. Ng will complete the marking of my math paper and will have loads of free time to spend doing whatever it is that math teachers do during their holidays!
I know i such a thoughtful person. ^.^ Biasalah..Thats me! Always looking out for others!
As for the rest of the subjects...err..if God has forgiven me for my sins..or if i throw a grenade next to the test papers before the exam starts..or if i trip whoever is carrying the stack of test papers and they fall down the stairs and i heave the papers over the balcony for all the lower 6's to pick up...then..maybe you chance...otherwise...i will just start praying more.
And our results will be mailed to us near the end of November. My GOD... We had to each give teacher an empty envelope with our name and address on the front.
I was seriously conidering writing my address with the name Siti Nor City Bean-T Settee..
Or my real name with my address No 67 Jln 2/5 ,Taman Tak Wujud, PJ. soon as i get the letter i will walk to MOBIL, buy 1 litre of RON 97 petrol and douse the envelope with it before barbequeing any F's residing in it.
Insya-allah my parents wont invade my privacy and tear it open..
I dont want to be guilty of 2nd degree murder when they die of myocardial infarctions..
And i woke up at 5am yesterday night.. My wisdom tooth was bitching on me! It was as if it was exacting revenge on me for taking painkillers the night before!!
I swear to god it hurt beyond pain hurt so bad i wanted to run into a wall and knock myself into coma but then...i just took more painkillers. Than i couldnt sleep anymore...who can when feeling as if though a Hummer ran through their face?
Plus i cant keep eating painkillers every 8 hours. (the pain returns periodically every 8 hours since the dosage is 3 times a day...i kid you not..) Those pills are in real stomach-upsetting-strong kinda strong.
And that was at 5 am so now its 1pm and my whole jaw is aching again. Jesussss....whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... Sigh..At least now i can say i failed maths because i 'couldnt concentrate'
And im going to the dentist in half an hour. He'd better be able to do SOMETHING..or else..
Thats all. For now..
Monday, September 22, 2008
Regardless of when the exam will be held,it really sucks because even though snoring away in class is my part-time job, i snore away in tuition too. Which , using the simple equation Y=Mx+C, means im universally screwed upside-down over-and-out and all-around for this test. REallY. I just feel doomed. The impending feeling of doom. The kind of doomed doom when you dont THINK you're dont FEEL you're doomed...but you KNOW you're doomed..tHATS how doom doomed i am in all of doom-DOM.
Aiyah..screw it la. Im 6th form tresurer right? I have at my disposal thousands of bucks. Even if i DO fail and subsequently drop out of F6, i can still afford to 'menganggur' for a few months while living off the 6th form funds..
Anyway, taking my undang-undang tommorow...FINALLY. Im growing mold and waiting to take it and WILL grow a ten-foot long beard..(yes, BEARD).. if i were to procrastinate any further..(again god-forbid lest i sprout unearthly hairs..)
Reading and re-reading the 500 questions really is a fun-sucker. I mean, i could be reading chemistry for gods sake! Im so blur about it that I bet blind people taking lower six would be loads more knowledgeable on the subject than me. Undoubtedly true. Im Serious.
Also, i have a feeling that (once again god-forbid) i'll squander this hari raya week long holiday by screwing around doing everything im not supposed to do and nothing im required to..aka study.
Whatever. The newspaper isnt worth my RM 1 more hot politics. Its gotten so boring that i down a cup of coffee laced with xtra caffeine tablets just to get through every page..
Also..i've been tagged... Yay me. A life dream...fulfilled. I can now go, to new zealand, to reside in a small, wooden ,termite infested cabin..and catch salmon everyday from the creek beside my hut, to consume...i will take up sewing or knitting as a hobby and to pass my time and from that sewing or knitting ..i shall produce my own clothing. To shield me from the harsh winter nights... and there, i will spend the rest of my days...yay.
Anyway, here it is.
1.The last person to tag you is
2.What relationship of you with him/her?
Senior. Friend. I guess.
3.Your first impression towards him/her?
Always so happy for what....???
4.The most memorable thing that he/she has done to you?
Hahaha. Firstly, to tell me that i looked like i was planning her death during the first choir meeting, that i looked pissed and unfriendly all the time,like i was emo-ing over a dead family member(put in my words..) And secondly, to recently bestow apoun me two mooncakes in which one was covered in a powdery mold. I know you thought i would eat it ,get spore poisoning, and die, taira. But NO. I didnt. And now.. you're DEAD MEAT. (actually, i think she didnt know it was festering...i think)
5.The most memorable word that he/she has say to you
Justina...SMILE!! ( while imitating a platypus....just kidding)
6.If he/she becomes your lover,you will...
Swallow 50 panadols....either to commit suicide or to get rid of the migraines im sure to develop.
7.If he/she becomes your enemy,you will...
Wonder what sort of a threat a happy-go-lucky enemy with the demeanor of a 5 year old is..
10.The most desirable thing to do for he/she is?
Buy her a DSLR camera..(in her dreams though..i'd as sooner swallow the money and choke to death on it)
11.The overall impression to he/she is....
An optimist.
12.How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
I dont need to think. I know already. How can i not? Everyone from parents to relatives to friends to teachers to strangers tell me i look as if though i were suffering from 4th stage leukemia and have given up on life, or that i would like nothing better than to chew their lungs off...or things to that effect.
13.The character you like of yourself is?
Im not sure...cant decide. Anything i feel i like i suppose. Depends on the situation.
14.On contrary,the character you hate of yourself is?
Cant decide...this time,too many.
15.The most ideal person you want to be is?
God. To watch everyone live life the way i watch desperate housewives...which is to laugh so hard i develop appendicitis.
16.For the person who cares and likes you,say something about them.
OK!! I cut the rest. Too lazy. Thats all. For now..
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
What a waste.. plus my internet at home isnt working, meaning no uploading pictures for a while.
Anyway, the entire form 6 farewell party went well without a hitch EXCEPT for when the games ended.
Apparently, the screams of the upper sixes were less than appreciated by the afternoon sessions who cracked halfway through the games that were held and threw themselves out of their respective classrooms AND proceeded to scream
random profanities aimed at the helpless upper 6's who were merely going through the notions of activities planned FOR them BY lower 6's and they,-the afternoon session-, probably did so because they saw an opportunity to cease all learning processes and to obtain 5 much needed minutes of rest from the torture their class teachers were subjecting them to (namely maths, science, bm....YAWN) while pretending that the time being spent 'kononnya' absorbing knowlegde in class was being direly wasted,(as if they were paying attention in the first place..) due to the distracting nature of the zoo-like calls and cries emitting floors below at the badminton court, AND that they were appalled by it AND that they would put a complete STOP to they told us to shut up.
Or maybe..just MAYBE..we ''were'' distracting their lessons.
If you can actually comprehend that continuous paragraph... god bless you.
when i got back from Genting yesterday, i met my long-lost NS friend in ou.
I couldnt even remember her name though...thats how ''long-lost'' it was.
I would upload Genting pics now BUT i actually left my h/p at home..
im too lazy to write about anything else..
No inspiration..
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
It sucks, because i have absolutely NO idea (nor do i give a penny's worth) on how to 'elaborate' about the ''Good points of Malaysia being a multicultured society'' and how we're all suppossed to feel eternally blessed and should rejoice every nanosecond we spend irking out an existence as 'malaysians' in a land where the 'bumiputera' themselves 'coincidentally 'originate from ANOTHER country.. *cough* (PULAU JAWA!!) *cough*.
Oppression. Racism. Cronism. Corruption.
Lack of transparency,
and just
plain stupidity...
The complete list would be enough to wrap the earth around its axis TWICE and have enough leftover for Saturn.
Its beyond evident that our country is run by a government hell-bent on defending the rights of its own race though those rights were never questioned or threatened by others in the first place..
Then again, this explains just how useless the ministers representing the other minority of races are. They are the 'yes-men'. Why? Because they are simply to chicken- s**t to refuse the wants of the powers that be. (the ppl who can sack them) For eg:-
In the parliament far, far away.......(K.L oni la..)
Datuk Menteri Bigshot: Today,we will be initiating a new ACT!!
Datuk Chinese/Indian Minister: Yes sir!!
Datuk Chinese/ Indian Minister: Yes sir!!
Datuk Menteri Bigshot:
Datuk Chinese/Indian Minister: Yes sir!!
Datuk Chinese/ Indian Minister: YESSSSIR!!!
Something around those lines...
If im not wrong...
Anyway. Back to the topic.
Its ridiculous, because even though i can completely fathom the sense of 'semangat kesukuan', to place the needs of ones race above all others, i still feel like,
'Hey, if this is how you're going to do it, you could at least stop the 'we-should-live-harmoniously-together-as-malysians-so-lets-hold-hands-and-dance-the-macarena' bullshit and just come clean on how racist you truly are.
Transparency, people. Or just plain frankness.
The base of any credible government. Yet something we are eons away from achieving.
Its sad.
But then again, its a fact.
But cheer up. We're having a by-election. ANWAR's running .
If he wins, he'll form a whole new government. Whole new policies.
He's promising transparency, unity and peace among all races.
He's also promising a government FOR the people BY the people,
and RM2/litre for petrol!!! (it doesnt get any better than that..)
But then again, im not sure whether to laugh or cry if that happens.
After all, this de facto leader's history is coated in faeces and the cherries on top of that pile are the latest conspiracy theories.
Ones that suggest the current government fears his influence/power and are trying their very (pathetic) best to kick him out of the show before they in turn receive the boot up their a**es.
But who cares?
We are completely powerless in the midst of all this.
Not that WE cared, anyway.
Talking politics just makes us students appear more educated and up to date with the latest issues.
It gives us and others the illusion that we can actually fathom the workings of politics and politicians alike.
Lets face it.
We have enough share of pie on our minds.
What with all our responsibilities at home and at school..?
For a second there, i actually felt like a competent, able individual.
Delusions. They dont last long.
And in here, they last as long as the posts do.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
I havent been any sort of mood..
I havent a clue what i have or havent done or am doing ..
Clouds are just clouds..
Mushrooms grow themselves overnight...
To gargantuan proportions..
I attempt revising for tests..
'' I can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!! iTS JUST BIOLOGY!!''
And fail miserably...
'' NO I CAN'T!!!!!!! ITS B-I-O-L-O-G-Y!!!!''
Even my leftovers are giving me cynical looks..
And i keep getting signs of my impending death..
All in all..... i've been feeling lethargic these days..
And im developing malaria...or just plain fever..
And i have a hacking cough.. which made me spew out an orange substance i believe was mucus (shaken, not stirred) with blood.
And again i feel tired..
Even the unagi i ate 2 days ago was tasteless..
And im now forcing myself to blog..
Which explains why this post is such a bore to read or even to write..
And there is an ongoing debacle in my mind..
Life goes on....
How boring.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
What the heck, its just ONE question. ( pure unadulterated horror though..For me at least.)
So, anyway, i've been neglecting this blog for DaYs. Which means any mildly bloggable thought i've had has long since self-combusted.
But,forget that.
So , last night , i actually DROVE a car around BU4. For 2-3 whole rounds.( I could kill off russia's population with that amount of driving time. I mean, i have not even read the undang- undang book i have..)
Albeit some good/delusional samaritan decided to let me giv it a whirl.
I dont think i suck that badly, though i take turns like im driving with my feet wrapped around the steering-wheel and everytime i brake it causes enough inertia to lurch my pancreas into my trachea. Other than that, i think i've graduated from my days of DAYTONA-ING at ou .
BUT, i'll have to work on my road rage issues. Yesterday, some ass**le flipped me, sulin n egg sha the finger. That son of a *****. If I (not egg sha)was driving, he'd be in 'U.H.' now. ON DRIP.
Yesterday started like this.
Su lin and miki trying to inflict as much pain as humanly possible on egg sha's arm. And hui fen just gives her trademark '' i dont know why im on earth or in L6S3 '' look.
Then its off to the library where actual
science students actually study..Actually.
And THIS is what you actually should NOT be doing in the library. Which actually is the complete 180 '' opposite of the prior picture. Actually.
By the way su lin, you look like that wolf eyeing that chicken out of that egg. (You know what i mean...)
Then, after some soul-numbing hours at the library carrying out our ever-so-vital roles in book wrapping( what would the library do without us?!), we headed home. At precisely this time. Which proves my theory on my bad luck. Not kidding. ( a story for a later date)
Then off we went to tuition. Though i thought we would have died before we reached beacuse as far as im concerned, steering while sipping on vitagen isnt exactly 'safe driving'. I think THIS is what caused that guy on his motorbike flip us the finger.
And to top off the day (without revising for chem) was a ''discussion'' on what had happened to our sixth form funds/what food or budget we had planned for the farewell and what form of ragging we had in store for the seniors. Nothing was solved. Egg sha (sirap ais) was stoning/smsing. I(orange juice) was bullshitting. And kai ying(teh tarik or wtv the hell that is) jumped over the balcony and died.
There. This is what proper blogging should be, isn't it?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Nooo..* CONTINUED. In the middle. Really..*
....ok maybe not
BUT, i HAVE taken SEVERAL pictures which i currently am UNABLE to upload due to certain circumstances and this has prevented me from editing suitable posts which i would then take A.k.a without any of my pictures im unable
BUT, waste not want not, so i'll summarize things into this sorry excuse of a PIC-LESS post.
I was cycling back home from sumwhere and apparently , i thought letting go of the bycicle bar handles for a nanosecond and balancing a package in both hands while pedalling wouldnt result in me being propelled over the front and drifting onto the tar road while gouging new holes into my body.... News flash.... IT DID. BUT, the saving grace is that the scratch is HEART SHAPED.
Which is so cool coz when it heals into an ugly pink (which it will) at least i'll have a ''WHERE IS THE LOOOVE??'' scar on my leg. But then again, i'll record the pain of having my flesh exposed when i upload a pic of it.
Trust me, it'll make you feel better... It'll make your whole''sucky day'' feel like you just won the lottery and anwar went to jail. (no hard feelings)..(you sodomiser)..(jkjk)
So, i just went to sushi zanmai...AGAIN...with SL and Egg-sha.
And we kena halau from karaoke and aracde coz we were in uniform. Like, wtc man. So putting off.
And egg-sha had chocolate fondue which i didnt take a pic of. Damn sayang. I know it tasted too thick and rich and she gagged the whole way as i forced her to finish it and we just screwed it away by playing with it in the end but, man, it lookd very cute.
The white bowl and the candle underneath it, i mean. AND I TOASTED A MARSHMALLOW ON THAT CANDLE.(the candle is to stop the chocolate from coagulating) Something i hav been dying to try since forever. Which sounds so ULU, i know. And the damn marshmallow actually caught fire. And i was like, ''we're consuming flammable material....ok..''
And we screwed out time in maths away. An hour flies by faster than a chicken-with-the-KFC-colonel-after-it-holding-cooking-utensils when you're laughing yourself into an endorphin induced coma.
And im so not done with this post yet.
A continuation of this post as demanded by egg-sha.(who has clearly not been studying. I know egg-sha, cuz you have time to screw around here.)
(Thats right,... egg-head.)
Well, there really isnt anything to continue on with actually...
Granted, there arent any freshly uploaded pictures due to the fact Sul's modem had to get electrocuted and cease functioning causing me to lapse into my first case of bloggers-block since im depending on her camera for my recent photo supply.
So sue me if i can't come up with witty posts.
I AM lacking visual storytelling aids.
Plus,it takes such a toll on my almond-sized brain with it laboriously churning out post after posts. It's bound to have a nervous breakdown. ( I mean, it IS connected to the nervous system.. And i know that is so lame. )
But since i have nothing to rant about this time, and since you're here reading this anyway, give these topics a run through.
Or decide what YOU want to believe. Unless you dont give a damn whether Anwar contracts elephantiasis or not then i suggest you proceed to the next sentence..
2) *IMAGINE LIFE AT THE END OF THE YEAR.* Yes. Imagine that sweet,sweet future so full of suprises. Suprises like the price of petrol readying to launch itself to even greater height's. Yes. Imagine tightening your already needle-thin waist to further stretch your ringit to accomodate your current ' luxurious' lifestyle. 1 word. OUCH.
I hope you didnt think so. That would be so misleading. And so...un-ME-ish.
Yes again. I realise every sentence i type look like they were written by J.K ROWLING high on crack with a 2B pencil up her ass.
Yes once again.. What IS wrong with you?
Is there really nothing else in your life you would like to accomplish instead of sitting here...reading this? At this very moment? Like now? Like 2 seconds ago reading 'Like now?' Time is not money. Why? Because it cannot be priced. But that doesnt mean it is worthless. Or of no value. It simply is PRICELESS. But it also doesnt mean it costs a fortune. No. It just means you are merely wasting it away while reading this..
Yes. I havent revised either, egg-sha. Evidently. Since I AM screwing around here.
But, as if YOU arent.
Yea man..XD
Ok. I think that's enough bull. For today. Hopefully future posts will not deviate from the standard norm of blogging.
Then again, 'hoping' is a futile act proving that one is powerless in a situation and is unable to act in order to influence the outcome.
See what i mean...
Forget it.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Like, what the hell do i care about the stupid sushis people eat or whether they've studied?
(a.k.a me. Hypocrisy alert. Im so totally aware. Really...)
And what the hell do i care about where i've gone, who i've seen, or what i've done? It all feels ridiculously exaggerated.
(And I used the excuse of ''a diary safe from prying eyes'' to make myself start a blog...)
Which ended up being smally accessible to. Which sounds so lame once again as it contradicts my initial purpose..
And which again sounds like im complaining about complaining...
Which makes everything sound worse...
So, i think it'll do my MUET good if i start ATTEMPTING more constructive posts.
However, i am just utterly unfammiliar with the ability some have to manufacture blogs that scream the titles 'INSPIRING!', 'FOOD-FOR-THOUGHT!' - like, 'INTERESTING!', 'DRAMATIC!!' and for some... ''CONTROVERSIAL!!!'' ( for elite bloggers only).
After all, my vocabulary isnt on par with modern english linguists. At most, my kopitiam, teh-tarik, mamak-like english with grammatical errors spanning from Europe to South East Asia somewhat prevents me from unleashing an army of jaw-dropping, mind-boggling, and tongue-twisting posts which would remain in the hearts and minds of bloggers. No. In fact, the plethora of knowledge i posses barely fills a 1.5 litre SEAMASTER mineral bottle . And THATS stretching the truth.
And which leaves me having no more time left over to end this post with a witty remark or two as i've wasted my remaining time blithering about nonsensical things and flying off topic. And now my time at this cc is up. Till tmrw.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Tastes like crap, looks like chicken.
Soft shell crab. Not mine. Looks weird.